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Workshop/Intervention, Grades 4-6

Workshop provides the teacher with the time needed to monitor students' work and conduct both informal and formal individual assessments. In this teaching course, Ms. Strelcheck monitors her students by:

  • Circulating around the room, noting student work, and discussing their work with them.
  • Calling them to the back of the room to conduct informal assessments of reading skills and strategies, have them read to her, and assess fluency.
In addition, she keeps informal notes throughout the reading class to assess what each student may need during that day's Workshop.

However you choose to record student performance and keep track of each student's areas of need, it is essential that monitoring take place regularly. Workshop time is most effective when small groups are fluid and geared to specific needs.

Open Court Reading provides a Teacher Observation Log, located in the Program Assessment book for each level in Open Court Reading ©2002. This is one way to monitor students as they work; you may be more comfortable creating your own method of tracking informal observations.

The samples below present ways to informally track each student's work.

Click here to view the Monitor Log.

Click here to view the Observation Log: Reading

It is also important for students to assess their own work. They can keep track of their fluency progress by charting the results of their timed readings.

Users of SRA Imagine It! can use the print or digital Lesson Assessment and Benchmark Assessment books, as well as eAssess Online, to assess student performance.