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Workshop/Intervention, Grades 4-6
English Learners

Workshop affords English Learners a wealth of opportunities for gaining proficiency in English. It also encourages them to share their backgrounds with their peers. Since you will be working with your students individually and in small groups regardless of their reading ability, those students who need special help with language will not feel self-conscious about working with you. In addition, working in small groups made of students with the same interests rather than the same abilities will provide them with the opportunity to learn about language from their peers during the regular course of Workshop activities.

Some suggestions for meeting the needs of students with diverse backgrounds include:
  • Preread a selection with English Learners to help them identify words and ideas they wish to talk about. This will prepare them for discussions with the whole group.
  • Determine their understanding of the selection by asking questions, checking for comprehension, and speaking with English Learners as much as possible.
  • Draw English Learners into small-group discussions to show them that their ideas are valid and worthy of attention. Encourage the students to express their ideas and help each other with suggestions about where they might improve their work.
  • Pair English Learners with native English speakers; by sharing their unique experiences and backgrounds, they can teach the other students as well as learn from them.
  • Have English Learners draw or dictate to you, or to another student, a description of an idea or thought they may have during Workshop activities.
Activities are provided throughout the Open Court Reading Teacher's Editions and SRA Imagine It! that can help with the English learners in your class. Many of these activities are designed for use during Workshop. For users of Open Court Reading 2002, activities found in the English Language Development Guide as well as the accompanying English Language Development workbook can work well during Workshop. Users of SRA Imagine It! can find EL support activities in English Learner Support Activities and the English Learner Support Guide.