What is comprehension?
In terms of reading, comprehension is the "intentional thinking
during which meaning is constructed through interaction between
text and the reader." Readers are involved in intentional problem
solving as they are reading in order to make sense of text
(National Reading Panel, 2000). "Getting meaning" is a two-level
process. On the first level, readers identify individual words and
their meanings, as determined by the immediate context, to arrive
at a literal understanding of what the author has written. On the
second level, readers interpret the entire grouping of words they
read; they consider the relationships of these words to each other
and to any relevant knowledge they may already possess.
Analytic, evaluative, and reflective comprehension occurs during
this second level of meaning construction. This is not to say,
however, that the skills needed to achieve literal comprehension
are of less weight than those necessary for the higher-order
comprehension processes.
Students' productive, literal comprehension depends in large part
on their skill in decoding, or word recognition, and on the breadth
and depth of their vocabulary knowledge.
The relationship between decoding and comprehension
Research has established that people who comprehend text
effectively are skillful at decoding words on the basis of
grapho-phonemic, or sound/spelling, cues. To read a word, these
readers sound it out, blending the individual sounds represented by
the word's letters or spellings. Once they have blended them, they
can recognize what the word means, because most of the words in the
materials they read are words that have been in their listening and
speaking vocabulary (Gough & Tunmer, 1986). In fact,
researchers who have studied decoding emphatically point out that
poor word-level decoding is a critical bottleneck in the
comprehension process. When a reader cannot recognize or decode a
word, it is impossible for him or her to understand what the word
means (Adams, 1990; Pressley, 1998). Decoding is the critical first
step in comprehending text.
A lack of skill in decoding words directly affects students'
comprehension. This is because word recognition and comprehension
compete for attention. The more effort readers require to decode a
word, the less attention they have left for comprehension. If
readers have to struggle with individual words, they easily lose
track of meaning. Further, it is the words in a text that
constitute the basic data required by higher-order comprehension
Fluency is critical. Fluent readers are able to devote minimal
attention to word recognition and maximum attention to
comprehension. Most teachers have worked with young students who
can sound out words—with some effort—but who do not
seem to understand or remember any of what they read. All of their
attention is consumed by word recognition to the exclusion of
comprehension (Gough & Tunmer, 1986; LaBerge & Samuels,
The best scientific evidence that fluency improves comprehension
comes from a study of seven- to ten-year-old students who were
termed "weak" readers (Tan & Nicholson, 1997). In this study,
students in one group, Group A, received instruction that
emphasized word recognition, with only brief attention given to the
meanings of the words. Students in this group practiced recognizing
target words until they could read each word without hesitation.
In contrast, students in a second group, Group B, received
instruction that was heavily oriented toward developing their
understanding of the meanings of the target words. No attention was
given to the development of word recognition. The experimenter
read—but did not show—target words to the students in
this group, then discussed with them the meanings of the words.
Following this instruction, students in both groups read a passage
that contained the target words. After reading, each student
completed a set of comprehension questions, some of which could be
answered based on literal information in the passage and some of
which required students to make an inference based on combining
pieces of information. The most important finding of the study was
that the students in Group A, who received word recognition and
fluency instruction, answered more comprehension questions
correctly than did students in Group B, who did not receive such
instruction. Other students have confirmed that more rapid decoding
improves comprehension, probably by freeing up more attention
(Breznitz, 1997a, 1997b).
For good readers, instantaneously recognizing the letters or
spellings of a word activates knowledge of spelling patterns,
pronunciations, and meanings. At the same time, these readers use
knowledge of context to establish the coherence of the message in
the passage being read. In this way, they come to recognize the
spelling, sound, meaning, and contextual role of a familiar word
almost automatically and simultaneously, freeing their attention
for critical and reflective thought. Thus, good readers appear to
recognize words as wholes because they have developed a thorough
and interconnected knowledge of the spellings, sounds, and meanings
of the words. However, to the extent that readers skip or guess at
the meaning of unfamiliar words, they limit opportunities for such
knowledge to develop (Adams, 1994).
So, even though the scientific evidence favors grapho-phonemic cues
as primary to fluent decoding, semantic or meaning cues play an
important role in reading. Successful readers recognize when they
have misread a word because the word does not make sense to them in
the context of what they are reading; that is, good readers monitor
their comprehension as they read (Gough, 1983, 1984; Isakson &
Miller, 1976). They can do so because their fluent recognition of
words now requires little attention, and hence frees up more
attention for higher-order comprehension processing, including
monitoring whether the text being read makes sense.
The fundamentals of decoding are covered in depth in the following
first grade courses: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics, and Phonics
and Fluency. Decoding is also covered in the Phonics and Fluency
course for grades 2-3.
Vocabulary knowledge and comprehension
The powerful relationship between reading comprehension and
breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge is one of the most
consistent findings in educational research. Time and again
researchers have found that (1) readers who comprehend well
generally have extensive vocabularies (see Anderson & Freebody,
1981; Nagy, Anderson, & Herman, 1987), and that (2) improving
students' vocabularies improves their reading comprehension skills
(see Beck, Perfetti, & McKeown, 1982; McKeown, Beck, Omanson,
& Perfetti, 1983; McKeown, Beck, Omanson, & Pople,
The relationship works as follows. Students who are poor readers
often do not have the vocabulary knowledge that is necessary to get
meaning from what they read. Because reading is difficult for them,
they cannot and do not read widely; thus, they do not encounter
unknown words in print often enough to learn them. This results in
what Stanovich (1986) calls "the Matthew Effects": good readers
read more, become better readers, and learn more words; poor
readers read less, learn fewer words, and generally become poorer
Effective vocabulary instruction must do more than teach dictionary
definitions for words; it must encourage students to use, reuse,
and study the new words they encounter as they read and write. In
Open Court Reading and SRA Imagine It!, three skills for vocabulary development
are taught: context, word structure, and apposition. Most
vocabulary words that students acquire are not taught explicitly,
but rather are learned incidentally from context as part of wide
reading (Sternberg, 1987). Therefore, the most important mechanism
students have for acquiring vocabulary is to read challenging texts
that are filled with new words—the words that successful
readers learn and know (Stanovich, 1986).
Higher-order comprehension
Higher-order comprehension involves cognitive processing above
the word-level processing that is necessary if readers are to move
beyond literal comprehension to deeper understandings of how words
work together to create meaning. Over the years, researchers have
examined a variety of these processes, including those that occur
automatically and out of readers' conscious control, and those that
readers control consciously.
The unconscious processes in comprehension
Successful readers know a great deal about the world and what
happens in it. Their vast body of knowledge affects their
understanding of text. Activating this knowledge base, however, is
often an automatic process that is out of readers' conscious
In the 1970s and 1980s, cognitive and educational psychologists
began to apply to reading comprehension a theory of learning based
on how knowledge is unconsciously structured and activated. This
view of learning is known as schema theory (Anderson &
Pearson, 1984; Anderson, Reynolds, Schallert, & Goetz, 1977).
The focus of schema theory relevant to comprehension is how readers
activate various schemata as they read to bring about the
construction of meaning.
According to schema theory, knowledge (schema) is a huge network of
abstract mental structures that represent our understanding of the
world. A general category of schema includes slots for all the
features included in the category. Each of us has many schemata.
Relationships among our schemata are like webs, with each schema
interconnected to many others.
The importance of schemata is that they help us understand events
easily and automatically. Therefore, once some small part of a
schema is encountered while reading or listening, this activated
schema permits us to make reasonable inferences about the details
of the event. So, for example, if we encounter an idea such as
giving a dog a bath, then the first trigger—perhaps a dog and
a tub—triggers other information, such as water, soap, a
hose, a dog struggling to get out of the tub (if that has been our
experience), and so forth. Our schemata grow and change as new
information is acquired through experience and reading.
Researchers who applied schema theory to reading comprehension
found that for a good reader, a schema is activated as the reader
begins to read a text, and this initial schema activation affects
all subsequent inferences the reader makes about the text. For
example, as soon as adult readers begin to read a real estate ad,
they activate a great deal of knowledge about houses, experiences
with realty companies, and so on. This activated schema affects
their comprehension of the ad by focusing their attention on
specific information that would be of less importance if some other
schema had been activated. Someone interested in buying a house and
someone who is thinking about breaking into a house will each
"understand" the real estate ad very differently (Pichert &
Anderson, 1977).
Schemata related to the structure of text itself are especially
important to comprehension. Text genres such as narratives,
informational text, fairy tales, fables, and plays have
conventional structures that are familiar to adult readers (Kintsch
& Greene, 1978). For example, it is known from our many reading
experiences that a narrative, or story, generally includes a
setting, characters, a plot or story line that involves the
establishment of a problem, the initiation of events to solve the
problem, frustration of a character in solving the problem, the
character's eventual success, and a conclusion (Mandler, 1978;
Mandler, 1987; Stein & Glenn, 1979; Stein & Nezworski,
1978). For students, knowledge of text structures increases their
comprehension and memory of the texts they read. This relationship
is causal—having knowledge of a text's structure improves
understanding of the text (Armbruster, Anderson, & Ostertag,
1987; Short & Ryan, 1984). Readers can activate a schema by
encountering information in a text that relates to the schema
category. Once activated, this schema triggers connections to other
schemata, and thus affects comprehension of what is being read. To
develop this process, it is important to build students' networks
of schemata by building their store of general knowledge and
concepts. Many learning difficulties can be traced to a lack of
general knowledge. General knowledge can be enhanced through not
just reading but reading-related discussion and through teachers
modeling an explanation of how an existing piece of knowledge
connects to a new idea or concept that is encountered in reading.
Comprehension is much more complex than remembering what was read.
It requires comparing and contrasting new information with existing
knowledge, drawing conclusions from this comparison, and reaching
new understandings not only of the material at hand but also of the
world in general.
The conscious processes in comprehension
Researchers have determined that good adult readers actively
coordinate a number of conscious processes before, during, and
after reading (Pressley & Afflerback, 1995). Good readers know
how their reading is going and why; they monitor themselves while
reading. They know what steps to take if they are having
Before reading, good readers spend time setting reading goals and
deciding what they expect to get from a particular text. They
consider the type of text they are to read, then choose the
appropriate strategies for approaching it. Rather than diving into
reading—starting at the beginning and plodding on to the
end—they create a mental overview of the text to determine
whether it is relevant to their goals. As part of the overview,
they become aware of the structure of the text, activate relevant
background knowledge, set purposes for reading, and identify clues,
problems, and wonderings. During reading, successful readers are
often selective, focusing their attention on the parts of the text
most appropriate to their goals or purposes. Efficient readers do
not just orient to the literal meaning of the text; rather, they
interpret what they are reading, filtering ideas in the text
through their prior knowledge and making connections. Such
interpretations often include an evaluation of the quality of the
ideas in the text. Often, such associations are carried out
intentionally; that is, a good reader thinks about how the ideas in
the text seem familiar, then recalls where she or he encountered
the ideas before or where similar ideas were presented. Readers
also make predictions and anticipate what is going to happen next,
or what ideas the text will advance. The readers continuously
evaluate these predictions and revise them as the reading
Successful readers are engaged, strategic, and vary their
reading speed, sometimes skimming and sometimes rereading a section
of text that is especially relevant to their reading goals. As they
encounter new ideas during reading, they update their prior
knowledge. In addition, they make conscious inferences, such as
determining the author's intentions for writing the text,
clarifying the meaning of unknown words, and filling in information
if they perceive gaps in an argument. They construct meaning by
creating mental images. If, for example, they are reading fiction,
they create mental pictures of settings and characters. Successful
readers also use various techniques to make a text more memorable.
They may underline important sections, make notes to themselves,
construct mental images or real images such as graphs and charts to
represent the ideas in the text, and/or paraphrase the text.
Experienced readers constantly interact with the text in an effort
not only to understand and add what they are reading to their
knowledge base, but also to use that expanded knowledge to
influence and direct their understanding of the text, their
underlying knowledge, and their understanding of the world in
After reading, good readers often reflect on what they have read
and think about how they can apply the ideas conveyed in the text.
Many will make mental summaries of major points or events in the
reading; others will seek additional information by consulting
other sources.
In contrast, poor readers rarely think about text before they start
reading. They plod through text, and often give up when frustrated
because they feel they have no recourse to help when stumped. Their
goal is often to get to the end, not resolve inconsistencies, make
connections, and monitor understanding. After reading, poor readers
rarely think about or reflect upon what they have read.
How should comprehension strategies be taught?
Effective reading instruction includes specific direct
instruction in the use of comprehension strategies and skills
coupled with abundant and meaningful practice that mimics
real-world reading experiences.
Comprehension strategy instruction
In a classroom, effective comprehension strategies instruction
proceeds something like this:
- Teachers remind students that good readers constantly check their understanding as they read. They constantly ask themselves questions about what they read and what it means.
- Teachers introduce strategies through explanation and modeling. As part of reading, teachers identify a strategy that can be applied in reading a particular text, explain why it is used at a specific point in the text, and then model how to apply the strategy through thinking aloud.
- After introducing strategies as suggested in the Teacher's Edition, teachers coach students to use the strategies on their own, providing prompts and suggestions about when they might make strategic choices. The prompts and suggestions should decrease as students become skilled in strategy use, with students gradually assuming more and more responsibility for applying strategies.
- Students model strategy use for one another by thinking aloud as they read, for example. They explain to one another how they have used strategies to process and make sense of text.
- Teachers consistently model flexible use of strategies.
The repertoire of strategies students learn may vary somewhat in name, but generally includes:
- Monitoring and clarifying. Effective readers constantly monitor themselves as they read in order to check their understanding as they are reading. They note the characteristics of the text, such as whether it is difficult to read or whether some sections are more challenging or more important than others. In addition, when good readers are aware that they do not understand, they take appropriate action, such as rereading, in order to understand the text better. As they read, good readers stay alert for problem signs such as loss of concentration, unfamiliar vocabulary, or lack of sufficient background knowledge to comprehend the text. This ability to self-monitor and identify aspects of the text that hinder comprehension is crucial to becoming a proficient reader.
- Asking questions. Efficient readers ask questions that may prepare them for what they will learn. If their questions are not answered in the text, they may try to find answers elsewhere and thus add even more to their store of knowledge. Certain kinds of questions occur naturally to a reader, whether they're seeking to clear up any confusion or wondering why something in the text is a certain way. Intentional readers take this somewhat informal questioning one step further by formulating questions with the specific intent of checking their understanding. They literally test themselves by thinking of questions a teacher might ask and then by determining answers to those questions.
- Predicting. Efficient readers predict what will happen next. When reading fiction, they make predictions about what they are reading based on information provided by the author as well as their own background knowledge and then confirm or revise those predictions as they go.
- Making connections. Successful readers make connections between what they are reading and what they already know from past experience or previous reading.
- Visualizing. Effective readers visualize what is happening in the text. They form mental images as they read. They picture the setting, the characters, and the action in a story. Visualizing helps readers understand descriptions, complex activities, or processes. Visualizing can also be helpful when reading expository text. When a complex process or an event is being described, the reader can follow the process or the event better by visualizing each step or episode. Sometimes an author or editor helps the reader by providing illustrations, diagrams, or maps. If no visual aid has been provided, it may help the reader to create one.
- Monitoring and adjusting reading speed. Successful readers understand that not all text is equal. Because of this, good readers continuously monitor what they are reading and adjust their reading speed accordingly. They skim parts of the text that are not important or relevant to their reading goals, and they purposely slow down when they encounter difficulty in understanding the text.
- Summarizing. Efficient readers sum up to check their
understanding as they read. Sometimes they reread to fill in gaps
in their understanding. Good readers use the strategy of
summarizing to keep track of what they are reading and to focus on
important information or key concepts.
How should comprehension skills be taught?
Comprehension skills instruction
Comprehension skills instruction teaches students how to
identify different organizational structures authors use and how to
use these structures to retrieve information that will help them
better understand a range of text types. The purpose of including
comprehension skills instruction as well as strategy instruction is
to give students a complete repertoire of tools to help them become
more proficient at getting meaning from what they read. Why is
skills instruction important? Once students are able to recognize
how the information in a given text is organized, they find it
easier to follow the organizational pattern and thus to distinguish
and focus on the major concepts of the text.
According to Meyer (1984), effective comprehension skills
- Teaches students to identify a set of organizational structures in text.
- Teaches them that these structures help organize information in a text.
- Teaches them a set of signal words that cue relationships in text.
- Teaches them to ask themselves questions about text relationships as they read.
- Teachers introduce each skill through direct explanation and modeling. As part of rereading a text, teachers identify a skill that can be applied, explain how the skill can be used to read the text, and finally model how to employ the skill through thinking aloud.
- After introducing each skill, teachers remind students to use it on their own, providing prompts about when its use is appropriate.
- Teachers gradually decrease their prompts, allowing students to assume more and more responsibility for employing the skills on their own.
- Teachers limit the number of skills to one or two that can be identified clearly in the selection. Trying to have students concentrate on too many skills will confuse them and make it harder for them to use any of the skills successfully. If a selection has good examples of several different skills, teachers can return to the selection several times over a span of days.
- Teachers solidify the reading/writing connection by having students incorporate different text structures into their own writing. As they use specific organizational structures in their own writing, students develop a clearer understanding of how to identify these structures as they read.
- Teachers remind students frequently that the purpose of any skill exercise is to give them tools to use as they read and write.
In addition, skills instruction must alert students to the fact that a particular text type, such as an article in a magazine or a chapter in a novel, may use more than one type of organizational structure to arrange information. That is, skills instruction prepares them to be flexible in their use of comprehension skills, switching from one to another, as required, as they read the text.
The repertoire of solid comprehension skills varies; however, it should include:
- Identifying and considering the author's point of view.
- Identifying and understanding the author's purpose for writing.
- Identifying and understanding cause-and-effect relationships.
- Understanding a sequence of events.
- Comparing and contrasting ideas, characters, and events.
- Classifying and categorizing information.
- Identifying and distinguishing main ideas and supporting details.
- Drawing conclusions and making inferences from what is read.
- Distinguishing fact from opinion.
- Distinguishing fantasy from reality.
It has been more than two decades since Durkin's landmark research revealed that little or no comprehension instruction—much less strategies and skills instruction—was taking place in schools (Durkin, 1978-1979). Since then, a great deal has been learned about the kind of instruction that can help students develop their comprehension. Such instruction ensures that students have adequate preparation in decoding and word recognition skills, provides opportunities for vocabulary growth, helps students develop networks of rich world knowledge, and through explicit teaching, provides extensive opportunities to practice the use of key comprehension strategies and comprehension skills. Most importantly, educators have learned that by teaching students to use a repertoire of comprehension strategies and skills, they can set them securely on the path to becoming lifelong readers—readers in charge of their learning, who can and want to read.