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Teaching Beginning Reading Skills, Grade K
Recommended Reading


Adams, M. J. Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1990.

Anderson, R. C., E. H. Hiebert, J. A. Scott, and I. A. G. Wilkinson. Becoming a Nation of Readers: The Report of the Commission on Reading. Champaign, IL: Center for the Study of Reading; Washington, DC: National Institute of Education, 1985.

Bear, D. R., M. Invernizzi, S. Templeton, and F. Johnston. Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill, 2000.

Blevins, W. Phonics from A to Z: A Practical Guide. New York: Scholastic, 1998.

Burns, M. S., P. Griffin, and C. Snow, eds. Starting Out Right: A Guide to Promoting Children's Reading Success. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999.

Chall, J. S. Learning to Read: The Great Debate (rev.). New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Graves, M. F., C. Juel, and B. B. Graves. Teaching Reading in the 21st Century. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2000.

Honig, B., L. Diamond, and L. Gutlohn. Teaching Reading Sourcebook for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Novato, CA: Arena Press, 2000.

International Reading Association and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Learning to Read and Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children. Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1998.

Moats, L. C. Speech to Print. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2000.

Moats, L. C., and S. B. Hall. Straight Talk about Reading. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2000.

National Reading Panel. Teaching Children to Read: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and Its Implications for Reading Instruction. Washington DC: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000.

Partnership for Reading, The. Put Reading First: The Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2001.

Pressley, M. Reading Instruction That Works: The Case for Balanced Teaching. New York: Guildford Press, 1998.

Snow, C. E., M. S. Burns, and P. Griffin, eds. Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1998.

Articles and Chapters

Adams, M. J., and M. Bruck. "Resolving the 'Great Debate.'" American Educator 19 (1995): 7, 10-20.

Beck, I. L. "Understanding Beginning Reading: A Journey through Teaching and Research." In Literacy for All: Issues in Teaching and Learning, edited by J. Osborn and F. Lehr, 23-26.
New York: The Guilford Press, 1998.

Beck, I. L., and C. Juel. "The Role of Decoding in Learning to Read." American Educator 19 (1995): 8, 21-25, 39-42.

Breznitz, Z. "Effects of Accelerated Reading Rate on Memory for Text among Dyslexic Readers." Journal of Educational Psychology 89 (1997a): 289-297.

Breznitz, Z. "Enhancing the Reading of Dyslexic Children by Reading Acceleration and Auditory Masking." Journal of Educational Psychology 89 (1997b): 103-113.

Chard, D. J., D. C. Simmons, and E. J. Kame'enui. Understanding the Primary Role of Word Recognition in the Reading Process: Synthesis of Research on Beginning Reading (Technical Report No. 15). Eugene: National Center to Improve the Tools of Educators, University of Oregon, 1995.

Ehri, L. C. "Learning to Read and Spell Words." Journal of Reading Behavior 19 (1987): 5-31.

Ehri, L. C. "Phases of Development in Learning to Read Words by Sight." Journal of Research in Reading 18 (1995): 116-125.

Foorman, B. R., D. J. Francis, J. M. Fletcher, C. Schatschneider, and P. Mehta. "The Role of Instruction in Learning to Read: Preventing Reading Failure in At-Risk Children." Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (1998): 37-55.

Fuchs, L. S., D. Fuchs, and C. L. Hamlett. "Formative Evaluation of Academic Progress: How Much Growth Can We Expect?" School Psychology Review 22 (1993): 27-48.

Goldfield, B. A., and C. E. Snow. "Reading Books with Children: The Mechanics of Potential Influence on Children's Reading Achievement." In Promoting Reading Comprehension, edited by J. Flood, 204-215. Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1984.

Juel, C. "Beginning Reading." In Handbook of Reading Research, Volume 2, edited by R. Barr, M. L. Kamil, P. Mosenthal, and P. D. Pearson, 759-788. New York: Longman, 1991.

Juel, C., and C. Minden-Cupp. Learning to Read Words: Linguistic Units and Strategies. CIERA Report #1-008. Ann Arbor: Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, University of Michigan, 1998.

Juel, C., and D. Roper/Schneider. "The Influence of Basal Readers on First Grade Reading." Reading Research Quarterly 20 (1985): 134-152.

National Institute for Literacy. "Phonics Instruction." In Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read. Washington, DC: The Partnership for Reading, U.S. Department of Education, 2001.

Samuels, S. J., N. Schermer, and D. Reinking. "Reading Fluency: Techniques for Making Decoding Automatic." In What Research Says about Reading Instruction, Second Edition, edited by S. J. Samuels and A. J. Farstrup, 124-144. Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1992.

Share, D. L., A. F. Jorm, R. Maclean, and R. Matthews. "Sources of Individual Differences in Reading Acquisition." Journal of Educational Psychology 76 (1984): 1309-1324.

Sindelar, P. T., L. Monda, and L. O'Shea. "Effects of Repeated Readings on Instructional- and Mastery-Level Readers." Journal of Educational Research 83 (1990): 220-226.

Stahl, S. A., A. M Duffy-Hester, and K. A. D. Stahl. "Everything You Wanted to Know about Phonics (But Were Afraid to Ask)." Reading Research Quarterly 33 (1998): 338-355.

Stanovich, K. E. "Word Recognition: Changing Perspectives." In Handbook of Reading Research, Volume 2, edited by R. Barr, M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, and P. D. Pearson, 418-452. New York: Longman, 1991.

Stanovich, K. E. "Matthew Effects in Reading: Some Consequences of Individual Differences in the Acquisition of Literacy." Reading Research Quarterly 21 (1986): 360-407.

Sulzby, E. "A Commentary on Ehri's Critique of Five Studies Related to Letter-Name Knowledge and Learning to Read: Broadening the Question." In Reading Research Revisited, edited by L. M. Gentile, M. L. Kamil, and J. S. Blanchard. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill, 1983.

Tan, A., and T. Nicholson. "Flashcards Revisited: Training Poor Readers to Read Words Faster Improves Their Comprehension of Text." Journal of Educational Psychology 89 (1997): 276-288.

Tunmer, W. E., M. L. Herriman, and A. R. Nesdale. "Metalinguistic Abilities and Beginning Reading." Reading Research Quarterly 23 (1988): 134-158.

Williams, J. P. "Teaching Decoding with a Special Emphasis on Phoneme Analysis and Phoneme Blending." Journal of Educational Psychology 72 (1980): 1-15.

Web Sites
American Federation of Teachers
Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement
United States Department of Education
National Library of Education
National Center on Education and the Economy
National Education Association
National Reading Conference
International Reading Association