Teaching Beginning Reading Skills, Grade K
Reading a Pre-Decodable Book
- First, introduce the new, high-frequency words, and review the words students learned in previous lessons.
- Give each student a copy of the book.
- Next, read the book's title aloud, pointing to each word as you read. Whenever you read aloud, move your hand along the text, beneath each word, as you read. This will help students follow along in the text with you.
- Read the names of the author and illustrator, pointing to each
- - Remind students that an author writes books and an illustrator draws pictures.
- - As time goes on, encourage students to explain what the author and illustrator do.
- Point to and name each rebus picture. Then, have students point to and repeat the name of each rebus. Pause your hand beneath each rebus as you say the word it represents aloud. Point first to the rebus, then to the word beneath it.
- Have students browse through the book, commenting on the story and illustrations and making predictions about the story.
- Read the book without stopping.
- - Remember to move your hand along the text, beneath each word and rebus, to mark your progress as you read. Have students follow along as you read.
- Reread the book.
- - Read the title, and then have students read it with you.
- - Have students read the pages chorally.
- Read the book again, having individual students read different pages.
Review high-frequency words and rebuses.
- - Point to rebuses, and ask a volunteer to "read" them.
- - Point to high-frequency words, and have volunteers read them.
- When you've finished reading, answer any questions the students might have about the story. During Workshop, have students reread the book with partners.