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Vocabulary, Grades K-6

Selection Vocabulary (Student Anthology)
About the Routine

The Selection Vocabulary Routine has been designed to be used in Part 2: Reading and Responding. In Open Court Reading and SRA Imagine It! Like the vocabulary words from the Big Books, have been carefully chosen from the selection. These words are not only important to understanding the text but are also high-utility words that can be used in discussing and writing about the unit theme. Because vocabulary instruction is so critical to comprehension, vocabulary instruction is integrated throughout Open Court Reading and SRA Imagine It!

It is important to remember that the work that occurs in Part 1: Preparing to Read—as students deconstruct the parts and relationships of words (Word Knowledge, Word Structure, or Word Analysis)—is a vital aspect of vocabulary instruction. The knowledge that students are gaining in Part 1 will be used to determine meanings of words in Part 2. The connection continues in Part 3: Language Arts, as students are encouraged to use their new vocabulary in writing.

You will find variations between Open Court Reading and SRA Imagine It! in how vocabulary is taught as some of the some of the formatting has changed in SRA Imagine It! However, the pedagogy behind both programs is still the same.