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Comprehension/Knowledge Building, Grades 4-6
English Learner

Ms. Zamora is a bilingual teacher; a good number of the students in her class speak English as a second language. Although in this course she simply follows the lesson plan in the Open Court Reading Teacher's Edition, her classroom is set up to help her English learners keep up with the class work and build a substantial English vocabulary. In addition, the way in which the lessons are presented, through whole-group work and discussion, helps English learners to gain new insights, share their knowledge with the rest of the class, and learn new English words. Note that:

  • All of Ms. Zamora's signage is written both in English and Spanish.
  • Each new word is discussed, and Ms. Zamora encourages the students to give definitions in their own words. It is easier for students to connect with and understand material presented by a peer.
  • Story concepts are discussed as a class, allowing English learners to keep up with and learn from their peers. It becomes obvious in these collaborative discussions that knowledge of the concept is important, not facility with the language. This allows students to relax and share their reactions to and understanding of the selection.
  • There is an accepting class environment. Every student feels comfortable contributing to the discussion.